In these times of Lock-down, while we are all practising self isolation, a word that can be heard most is Social Distancing. Government and Health workers are asking us to practice social distancing and remain aloof from large gatherings or public areas by staying quarantined at home.
Now, what is social distancing: While according to the government agencies it is avoiding crowed areas and maintaing a distance between humans. But is the term really appropriate or should it be physical distancing instead.
While the word physical distancing is clear from its name alone, authorities have to strive to educate the masses about the meaning of social distancing. Let's see what does the word Social mean: it means the need to find companionship and thereby the motive of living in communities.
Social life has its origins in evolution, when humans saw the need to be together to ward off danger and be projected as a group to enhance both efficiency and power of subsistence. Thus, it can be said that living in societies is deeply rooted inside us. Living together has its benefits like providing emotional support in times of distress and acting as a composite whole when faced with challenging situations.
In times like these, when humanity is coming together to fight the invisible enemy, we should be cautious of the words and messages we share and post, as one mistake shall lead to unwarranted results. Its no mystery that old people are the most vulnerable at this time. They are both, facing the danger of getting contaminated from the disease as well as they, are feeling emotionally left out, as they have been cut from being in contact with their loved ones.
At such a time, Social Media comes to the rescue of these elderly as it is through this medium they can easily connect and still remain aloof with the people they love. Thus, the word Social Distancing here would be rather misleading and also act as a form of mis-information.
Now, if we are to go back in history, we come across the practice of social discrimination in almost all the areas of the world. Like in India, in the past, the society was divided into social strata and while, the higher class people were allowed to maintain social contact with one another the lowest class faced discrimination. They, were not allowed to enter certain areas and also the people from higher class maintained a distance from them claiming them to be untouchables owing to the work they did, which involved cleaning and washing the human excreta of the higher strata people. In United States of America, while, the Whites deemed themselves to be superior they also dubbed the Blacks as their Slaves and bonded labourers. Thus, they too maintained a distance from these folks and were critical of being associated with them. Similarly, in France, the society was divided into three classes at the time of French Revolution and while, the highest class which comprised of the ruling lot were economically strong the lowest class or the masses suffered hardships.
Thus, we see that in history there is ample example of society being divided into several classes and strata and they in turn, maintaining a certain amount of disassociation with the other classes.
Therefore, I personally feel the usage of a term that was used in history to segregate the people according to their classes returning in modern day and that too at a time when all should stand united is uncalled for. Thus, I urge all my readers to use the term Physical Distancing instead of Social distancing.
Now, what is social distancing: While according to the government agencies it is avoiding crowed areas and maintaing a distance between humans. But is the term really appropriate or should it be physical distancing instead.
While the word physical distancing is clear from its name alone, authorities have to strive to educate the masses about the meaning of social distancing. Let's see what does the word Social mean: it means the need to find companionship and thereby the motive of living in communities.
Social life has its origins in evolution, when humans saw the need to be together to ward off danger and be projected as a group to enhance both efficiency and power of subsistence. Thus, it can be said that living in societies is deeply rooted inside us. Living together has its benefits like providing emotional support in times of distress and acting as a composite whole when faced with challenging situations.
In times like these, when humanity is coming together to fight the invisible enemy, we should be cautious of the words and messages we share and post, as one mistake shall lead to unwarranted results. Its no mystery that old people are the most vulnerable at this time. They are both, facing the danger of getting contaminated from the disease as well as they, are feeling emotionally left out, as they have been cut from being in contact with their loved ones.
At such a time, Social Media comes to the rescue of these elderly as it is through this medium they can easily connect and still remain aloof with the people they love. Thus, the word Social Distancing here would be rather misleading and also act as a form of mis-information.
Now, if we are to go back in history, we come across the practice of social discrimination in almost all the areas of the world. Like in India, in the past, the society was divided into social strata and while, the higher class people were allowed to maintain social contact with one another the lowest class faced discrimination. They, were not allowed to enter certain areas and also the people from higher class maintained a distance from them claiming them to be untouchables owing to the work they did, which involved cleaning and washing the human excreta of the higher strata people. In United States of America, while, the Whites deemed themselves to be superior they also dubbed the Blacks as their Slaves and bonded labourers. Thus, they too maintained a distance from these folks and were critical of being associated with them. Similarly, in France, the society was divided into three classes at the time of French Revolution and while, the highest class which comprised of the ruling lot were economically strong the lowest class or the masses suffered hardships.
Thus, we see that in history there is ample example of society being divided into several classes and strata and they in turn, maintaining a certain amount of disassociation with the other classes.
Therefore, I personally feel the usage of a term that was used in history to segregate the people according to their classes returning in modern day and that too at a time when all should stand united is uncalled for. Thus, I urge all my readers to use the term Physical Distancing instead of Social distancing.