
Saturday, April 11, 2020

How to fall asleep as soon as you go to bed- with a twist

In the World, there are two types of people; one- who dose off as soon as their body touches the mattress of the bed and two- who well just can't sleep. Well if you fall under the second category, all your worries are about to come to an end as I shall help you through this blog to fall asleep instantly.

Well when, one enters the bedroom and is unable to sleep, the most common thing one does is switch off the lights of the room- Well as much as people say this helps in sleeping, as the hormone Melatonin is produced in the dark. I beg to differ, you see, when you switch off the lights you are subconsciously thinking about all the monsters that were to come and scare your pants off. Thus, you are unable to fall asleep.

Now, if you are the believer that drinking a glass of water shall help in falling asleep, alas you have bad news, when, you drink water it might help to fall asleep initially but, later on your kidneys are heard to be screaming Tsunami and you have to take a bathroom break. Thereby, all your hard-work goes down the drains and you are back to square one.

Some people like to read before going to bed, well its their call, but, I would not recommend it. You see, if you start reading a good book you just cannot put it down until you have read all through so, where is your sleep and if the book is not so enticing well, why are you reading it in the first case. I mean come on, Grow up.

You could listen to Music, it's said, music helps induce sleep. However, there are certain things you need to keep in mind before doing so. If you love to hear loud music, you are bound to wake up in the middle of the night because of the constant knocking of your neighbours to turn down the volume. You could easily avoid this situation, if you were to plug in the earphones and listen to music, but, that too has it's own problems. Before you even think of doing it, I would recommend you to book an appointment with an ENT (ear, nose, throat) specialist as, you are bound to turn deaf over-time.

Also, the type of music you hear affects your sleep, if you are a fan of pop/rock music, I don't know about sleep but you are sure to get your neck fractured with the constant nodding you would be doing while listening to the music. If you are a classical lover, you could suffer from premature balding since, the music has this kind of effect on most of the recent generation.

Now come people, who think that sleeping with loved ones brings you calmness of mind and helps initiate good sleep. Two minute silence for these mis-believers. Agreed, sleeping with someone you love has its perks like cuddling but, once your beloved falls asleep and starts to snore you have no choice but to bid adieu to to your own sleep. Unless, of-course if you can fall asleep while the railway engine is blasting beside you.

You could watch some show either online or on television, but, will that bring you sleep or frustration is based on the type of show you watch. Also, if you are binge watching YouTube videos you could have a serious case of existential crisis, when you see that  people half your age are earning double through, making non nonsensical videos and are famous while you are in your pyjamas praying to Gods to fall asleep.

In the end, you could use the universal technique of counting sheep , dogs, pigeons or whatever suits you. I have personally tried this on many occasions, and I would love to hear from you if it works for you because well, for me I just could not count further than infinity you see, and thus, I guess I could not really benefit from this step.

Hope, this blog has helped you in how to fall asleep and if you still cannot fall asleep you can always try to read my other blogs, maybe, they could help you somehow.


Please note- This blog was written for people, who are suffering from sleeping disorders and want some real guidance from a professional, like me.


  1. This post in no way is gonna help me to fall asleep but 😂 this was so funny 😁 P.S I am being honest
