Avengers are a group of Super-Heroes that save the Earth from any and all forms of dangers, similarly, at the moment the Corona-Warriors are a team of Guardians that are protecting the Earth from the pandemic-COVID-19.
When the world was infested with "he who shall not be named", Humanity came together to assemble the mightiest and bravest of its champions together to fight the calamity- They were hence, to be known as The Corona-Warriors. They chiefly comprised of the Medical Staff (Doctors, Nurses), The Sanitation Workers, The Police and The Essential Service Providers.
Meanwhile, the Dark Lord too was enlarging his army (The Dark Forces). While the army comprised chiefly of loyalists, His army swelled with new entrants. Whenever, The Dark Lord or any of the members of the Dark Forces touched a person who was not in their army they were able to cast a spell and the person deviated and now, owed his allegiance to the Dark Lord. He too became a carrier and became a conscript soldier of the army.
Each Corona-Warrior or CW, as they liked to be called, had different responsibilities. While, the Medical Staff had to bring back the people who had deviated into their own group, The Sanitation Workers ensured that no new people joined the Dark Forces by washing the areas with the Serum that could curtail the Dark Forces for a while. The Police were given the power of Sticks, these sticks scared the people from deviating to the other side, as, these sticks were rock solid and once they were used by the Police on the bodies of deviants they were bound to be sore (in both ways). The Essential Service Providers had the task to maintain Social Distancing and for this they were to provide all items needed by the masses on their doorsteps and guarantee that the people did not aimlessly loiter in the streets and fall a prey to the Dark Forces. Thus the CW ensured to protect the planet and it's people from The Dark Lord.
However, The Dark Lord was also very powerful, as no known weapon had been able to incur any major loss on him or his followers. The only way to defeat him was to not cross paths with him. Although, all had not lost hope and some Labbies (people who wore white coats and tried to invent new things- previously known as scientists) were trying to make a concoction to ward off the Dark Lord.
A glimpse of hope can be seen with the fact that the CW's have been able to defeat the Dark Lord from Aotearoa. If all goes well they might be able to defeat them fully and banish them from Earth.
With Hopes held high.
Glossary of terms-
"he who shall not be named"- Corona virus
the Dark Lord- Corona virus
Serum- Sanitiser
weapon- vaccine
Labbies- scientists
concoction- vaccine
Aotearoa- New Zealand