
Thursday, June 11, 2020

Is Humanity Dead? An Animal cruelty issue.

According to Charles Darwin: Humans have evolved from Primates. Their were certain mutations which led to Humans evolving as the fittest living organism amongst all present at that time. But, are Humans worthy to be called the fittest and most sane beings to reside the Planet Earth? Well, the recent events, makes one think otherwise. 
Animal cruelty- an activity in which barbaric behaviour is done towards non-humans. It has several forms ranging from violence being meted out on animals to Wildlife Smuggling.

My recent post, shall talk about all forms of animal cruelty and also feature certain heart-breaking incidents from across the world. My aim is to raise awareness and bring people from all walks of life together to pressurise authorities to make stringent laws to curtail this inhumane behaviour.

While, we were all busy in our lives, a heart-rendering news came from Kerala, India. A hungry pregnant elephant was given explosives hidden in a fruit. This resulted in the death of the animal. Police and Wildlife authorities are said to be investigating the issue and are trying to bring the culprits to book.

Another incident that shook us all, came from Idaho, United States, where a women was seen incessantly boxing her pet dog. The person filming the video seemed to be enjoying the act and made no efforts to stop the women. This video brought about an outrage and the women was identified and hopefully punished. 

Its not just pets or tamed animals that are facing cruelty, even wildlife animals have to face the inhumane activities of Humans. Wildlife Smuggling being one of the greatest form of brutality. #Animals are smuggled for decorative purposes like-
Tiger for his skin,
Tortoise for their shells,
Leopard heads and Tiger heads as Trophy for bravery and hunting.
#Then, animals are smuggled for their medicinal value-
Tiger meat is used in traditional medicines,
Elephant skin is beneficial for stomach ailments,
Pangolin scales are used in certain medicines similarly like Rhinoceros horns,
the bile from the gall bladders of Bears are also of medicinal value.
#Then Animals are smuggled as their remains are a source of snob appeal-
Elephant tusks and teeth of tigers are used as a symbol of richness and this adds to the poaching of wildlife.

While there are several institutions that are present to preserve the rights of animals and provide them protection like PETA and WWF, we cannot disregard our fundamental duty as humans to protect this planet and its inhabitants. We should all realise the fact that humans alone cannot reside on this planet and that we need to be more proactive in our approach towards both Wildlife conservation and animal cruelty in any and every form.

PS- if you have any ideas on how this can be achieved please feel free to share in the comment section below.  



  1. Animal cruelty is as bad as it gets, because there are a lot of animals out there that are defenseless, and even worse, killed just for fun. Nothing gets me aggravated like animal abuse!

  2. I kinna think so, we all are suffering because we deserve this

  3. This makes me so mad! Animal cruelty is just dumb. You can't just hurt animals like that. They have emotions too. This is so bad! Thank you for writing about this.

  4. Untill one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remain unawakened.

  5. Animal cruelty is one of the worst things in the world. How anyone can do anything to a defenceless animal is heartbreaking.

  6. Don't know why humans have become so insensitive.

  7. There is nothing worst than killing animal for fun and animal cruelty is a terrible thing, because there are animals out there, that defenseless.

  8. To be honest I have no idea how this cruelty can be stopped but it breaks my heart that people can do this, been vegan 4 years but wish I'd done it sooner.

  9. Cruelty exists most strongly in people who feel threatened by the lack of needs being satisfied. Direct action for protecting animals is good. However, I believe a larger, global solution for solving the needs of humanity could lead to a more complete answer for this problem. If a person feels that they can only eat if they make money, and that they can only make enough money to eat by poaching elephants, then they will poach the elephants. Restrictions against animal cruelty must be put in place, yes, but support systems for people who are stuggeling, and rehabilitation for those who have committed crimes also need to be a part of the solution, in my opinion. In my view, these problems stem from the very top of society. However, we as humans have the capability to learn, teach, and help each other as well. We learn best by teaching, so I encourage everyone to go teach what you learn to others, and then encourage them to teach as well. Be prepared to be questioned and try to have answers ready but if you don't, simply say that you will find an answer, and we can all do that together.

  10. Killing animals for sport or commerce is depicable.
